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DOMUS art Exhibition across SWISS homes

by Jedlitschka Gallery and artist MINYA — launched in 2021 in Zurich



1 ARTWORK    1 HOME    30 DAYS

The collectors have the opportunity to choose one artwork by museum artist Minya to host it in their home for 30 days

The Virtual Exhibition will be set up here on website and on social media, guaranteeing the privacy of the Collector.

The Collector is welcome to take photos, share them on social media, invite friends and relatives at home for a ‘live tour’.

After 30 days the Collector will receive a certificate in recognition of their participation in the Exhibition

Exhibitions at homes of the collectors

Jedlitschka Gallery

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Corina Staubli

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<i>"The Question is, whether we are putting enough energy into preserving nature’s delicate equilibrium"</i>
<i>"The Question is, whether we are putting enough energy into preserving nature’s delicate equilibrium"</i>
<i>"The Question is, whether we are putting enough energy into preserving nature’s delicate equilibrium"</i>
<i>"The Question is, whether we are putting enough energy into preserving nature’s delicate equilibrium"</i>
<i>"The Question is, whether we are putting enough energy into preserving nature’s delicate equilibrium"</i>

Matthijs & Anita Ouwerkerk

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<i>"While I’am cocooning in my cozy chair the monarch butterflies are flying thousands of kilometers"</i>
<i>"While I’am cocooning in my cozy chair the monarch butterflies are flying thousands of kilometers"</i>
<i>"While I’am cocooning in my cozy chair the monarch butterflies are flying thousands of kilometers"</i>
<i>"While I’am cocooning in my cozy chair the monarch butterflies are flying thousands of kilometers"</i>
<i>"While I’am cocooning in my cozy chair the monarch butterflies are flying thousands of kilometers"</i>


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<i>"Blue is the color of medicine and that is why Minya’s picture fits perfectly into the offices of just-medical!"</i>
<i>"Blue is the color of medicine and that is why Minya’s picture fits perfectly into the offices of just-medical!"</i>
<i>"Blue is the color of medicine and that is why Minya’s picture fits perfectly into the offices of just-medical!"</i>
<i>"Blue is the color of medicine and that is why Minya’s picture fits perfectly into the offices of just-medical!"</i>
<i>"Blue is the color of medicine and that is why Minya’s picture fits perfectly into the offices of just-medical!"</i>

DE NIZ - couture design

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Jelena Oberholzer

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<i>"Minya’s art is a source of energy, light and color in our home and its strong presence is our silent reminder of the power and fragility of nature"</i>
<i>"Minya’s art is a source of energy, light and color in our home and its strong presence is our silent reminder of the power and fragility of nature"</i>
<i>"Minya’s art is a source of energy, light and color in our home and its strong presence is our silent reminder of the power and fragility of nature"</i>
<i>"Minya’s art is a source of energy, light and color in our home and its strong presence is our silent reminder of the power and fragility of nature"</i>
<i>"Minya’s art is a source of energy, light and color in our home and its strong presence is our silent reminder of the power and fragility of nature"</i>

UNIC by Monic

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Be part of the project

Follow these questions to become an exclusive art selector:

1. Do you enjoy having art at your home?
2. Do you like sharing art experience with your friends?
3. Do you miss visiting art galleries during the pandemic?
4. Would you like to host a museum art piece at your home?
5. Would you like to become an art promoter?
6. Would you like to organize for your friends a private viewing?
7. Do you like to discuss art with your friends?
8. Do you want to become an selector & collector?

If you gave at least 4 positive answers to these questions you are ready for the next step!


CONTACT us to become collector for 30 days

You can chose 1 artwork to host it for 30 days at your home
Jedlitschka Gallery will organize and set up this Exhibition at your home
‭+41 44 252 35 30
Seefeldstr 52, Zurich - Switzerland



TIMEscape is a visual diary

Artworks from the series TIMEscape are created with innovative and personal technique: precious natural pigments on a transparent plexiglas surface.
The themes cover some of the vital questions defining our epoch - from human rights, respect and freedom of expression to migrations, new technologies, ecology, etc.

Click HERE to see more of Minya’s TIMEscape paintings

The Artist

Minya Mikic is an Italian artist.
She lives and works between Rome and Zürich and regularly exhibits her work in Europe and New York
Minya is a Cultural Ambassador for Novi Sad the European Capital of Culture 2022

Important Exhibitions and Institutional Collections

Museum Palazzo delle Esposizioni – Rome
GAPscape State of Art Italy exhibition curated by Achille Bonito Oliva. The project represents 40 Italian most prominent individuals, all personally involved, including Ennio Morricone, Andrea Bocelli, Umberto Eco, Michelangelo Pistoletto etc. For this exhibition, patronaged by Lazio Region, city of Rome, Swiss Institute and the Italian Olympic Committee, the catalog was printed with the art critic by Achille Bonito Oliva and the accompanying texts from the President of the Lazio Region Nicola Zingaretti, the President of Italian Olympic Committee Giovanni Malagò, and the museum director Mario De Simoni.

Museum of Contemporary Art, MACRO – Rome
The creation of the artwork in situ - 7 days performance / installation. GAPscapeTIME represents the concept of time passing and the fragility of our environment. This artwork was painted by using raspberries and TIME as raw material. It was created through the process of the degradation of living matter, coinciding in real time life and art. The dramatic process of decomposing of fresh raspberries has released its traces, coloring the surface of Plexiglas.

Consulate General of Italy - New York
By invitation of Natalia Quintavalle, the Italian Consul General in New York, the exhibition GAPscape State of Art Italy was included in celebrations of Italian National Day, June 2, 2015. This project’s first edition remained open for the public for the period of 6 months

Italian National Bank - Palazzo Koch, Roma
Eight abstract paintings from the series GAPscape URBAN ART have been acquired by Italian National Bank for its collection of contemporary art and are permanently exhibited at its headquarters at Palazzo Koch in Via Nazionale in Rome.

Jedlitschka Gallery

by Martin Jedlitschka

Die Galerie an der Seefeldstrasse führt Martin Jedlitschka seit 1999, Jedlitschka repräsentiert figürliche, progressive Gegenwartkunst, spricht eine Klientel an, die sich gerne durch die malerische Botschaft des Künstlers in Gedankenwelten entführen lässt. Jedlitschka achtet dabei behutsam auf Inhalt und Handwerk, so, wie er dies schon in frühen Jahren von den grossen Meistern gelernt hatte, die bei seinem Onkel „ Karl Guldenschuh“ im Atelier ein- und ausgingen.

…zum Entdecker und Hüter der figürlichen Kunst


Jedlitschka Gallery, steht seit 1999 für progressive Gegenwartskunst.

Martin Jedlitschka setzt sich dafür ein, eine internationale und generationenübergreifende Künstlerliste zu repräsentieren und zu pflegen, die sowohl historische als auch aktuelle Diskurse der zeitgenössischen Kunst widerspiegelt. Jedlitschka pflegt einen hohen Qualitätsanspruch, achtet sehr auf Inhalt und Handwerk, wichtig ist ihm vor allem die Beständigkeit der Werke.

Mit einer grosszügigen Ausstellungsfläche, bietet die Jedlitschka Gallery im Zürcher Seefeld eine sorgfältig kuratierte Präsentation der Werke von Etablierten wie auch Newcomers, nationalen wie internationalen Künstlern.

Die Einmaligkeit des Skulpturengartens, im bezaubernden Hinterhof der Galerie, erlaubt der Jedlitschka Gallery sich verstärkt der plastischen Kunst zu widmen. Eine Eigenschaft die der ausgestellten Kunst eine intensive und ausgeprägte Visibilität verleiht. Auf der Suche nach Harmonie und universeller Form, fahndet Jedlitschka Gallery nach Wesens- und nicht Erscheinungsbildern.

Weitere Kompetenzen der Galerie umfassen die Beratung zum Aufbau von Kunstsammlungen und die Betreuung bestehender Sammlungen durch sowohl historische wie auch wissenschaftliche Dokumentationen von führenden Kunsthistorikern, die mit der Galerie eng zusammenarbeiten. Ausgehend von Ihren Bedürfnissen beratet Sie die Galerie hinsichtlich des Verkaufs von Einzelobjekten, ganze Sammlungen oder kompletten Nachlässen durch Schätzungen und Expertisen.

© Copyright 2021 by Minya         All paintings are protected by: dDotDNA Technology